Kamiseta Cares: Protect lives by wearing PPEs now for sale in our website
Kamiseta Cares: Protect lives by wearing PPEs now for sale in our website
PPE stands for personal protective equipment. It can refer to any device or clothing designed to be worn or held by an individual for protection against one or more health and safety hazards. One of the PPE must-haves today are PPE Suits. PPE suits refer to full-body suits that reduces the potential of being exposed to bacteria and viruses. Only portions of the face, feet and hands are exposed.
Did you know that not only front liners but even in our own household, it is handy to have PPE suits on hand? Our intention is to prevent the rapid increase of contagion by giving you the power to purchase these PPE suits within the comfort of your homes. They come in different colors in one size fits all.
1. You can get this PPE suit for yourself. When you or your family member need to go to hospital or in high risk crowded ares; these PPE suits will come in handy to keep you protected.
2.You can give your family and friends who are front liners these PPE suits made from repellent fabric. We made sure that the design and materials used are hospital-approved. These are the same quality PPE suits as the ones we gave out to UERM Hospital.
3. You can also get these PPE suits and give it back to the community through pledging. Reach out and protect our front liners, one PPE suit at a time.
As we all know, COVID-19 pandemic is posing threat to everyone. Further spread of the virus can potentially shake and overwhelm our healthcare system. As a clothing brand, we are here to support the country in whatever way we can. Kamiseta believes that we can all rise above this crisis, stronger.

You can shop for PPEs here
You can shop for Cloth Masks here
Constant and thorough hand washing, boosting your immune system and wearing protective equipment are just some of the steps to keep yourself safe. We encourage everyone to maintain strict social distancing while wearing masks when you need to go out. We fabricated cloth masks that you can conveniently buy from our website.